Did you know your period is more than just a bleed?! Our menstrual cycle actually consists of four phases that spread across the month: the follicular phase, the ovulatory phase, the luteal phase, and the menstrual phase. While every cycle is slightly different (there isn’t a perfect length or exact number of days for each phase!) a healthy cycle usually lasts anywhere from 26 - 32 days.
Follicular phase (7-10 days) - The follicular phase begins the day after your period ends, and lasts until ovulation. It’s the ‘first’ phase of a new cycle! In the beginning of the follicular phase, our hormones are at their lowest concentrations. As we get closer to ovulation, these hormones (particularly estrogen) slowly begins to rise. This increase in estrogen thickens the uterus lining, and encourages our body to ovulate!
Emotionally - The follicular phase is a time of ‘new beginnings’. Our energy levels begin to rise, and we’re often filled with new ideas and a fresh dose of motivation, excitement, creativity, and inspiration.
Ovulatory Phase (3-4 days) - Our ovulation phase only lasts a couple of days. This is the part of our cycle when we’re fertile and actually able to get pregnant!
Emotionally - The high levels of estrogen in our body make us feel social, communicative, confident, flirtatious, and beautiful. We’re more likely to have ‘good hair days’, glowing skin, and a desire to be with people.
Luteal phase (10-14 days) - The luteal phase begins once ovulation has ended. It’s the longest phase of our cycle, and lasts until the first day of our period. In the first half of the luteal phase, estrogen and progesterone begin to rise once again. This time, the hormone progesterone should be dominant (and when it’s not, hello PMS!) This rise and fall in progesterone is what encourages our uterus lining to shed, and an actual bleed to occur! In the second half of the luteal phase, hormones slowly start to decrease in concentration, leading to that usual drop in energy we often experience before our period.
Emotionally - The luteal phase is all about project completion, attention to detail, and wrapping things up. Our brain becomes hyper-focused on analytics, and we’re more likely to notice details we once didn’t. During this time, we’re most capable of ‘getting things done’ and experience a strong desire to finish old projects and wrap up any lose ends. As our hormone levels decline towards the end of the luteal phase, we’ll begin to feel more withdrawn, tired, and introverted.
Menstrual Phase (3-7 days) - The menstrual phase is the part of our cycle we’re all most familiar with: our actual bleed! During the menstrual phase, our hormones are at their lowest concentrations. Energy will be at it’s lowest, and the body will need extra nourishment and time for rest.
Emotionally - This decline in hormones strengthens the communication between our left brain and right brain, meaning we’re most intuitive, sensitive, and in-touch with our inner guidance during this time.